Information for parents about SEND
Here you can find information about the different areas of Special Educational Needs identified in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
They are:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical needs
The SEND Code of Practice outlines how all schools and settings should approach supporting Special Educational Needs.
Please see below for a copy of the code.
The Buckinghamshire 'Ordinarily Available Provision' Document is also available below. This outlines the Local Authority expectations for provision which should be available without an EHCP in Buckinghamshire Schools.
Please see the powerpoint below to explain how we approach SEND support.
Further, more detailed information is available on the SEN report and local offer (please see statutory information section).
Any intervention is monitored through our Assess, Plan, Do, Review system, which means that we expect to see the impact of the intervention affecting children's access and inclusion within half a term of it starting. To enable this monitoring, we will set targets for what we want the child to be able to 'do' (intended 'outcomes') after a short period of time.
After half a term, we will review the intervention. For the majority of children, the intervention will then cease as the child will have gained confidence in the particular area we have been targeting and now the skills can be generalised back in class, with reminders and class-based support.
Often, children may continue with the intervention for a little longer in order to consolidate the skills before they can be generalised.
Sometimes children may continue with the same intervention or approach, but with modified targets each term. When children continue with additional support for longer than two terms, we may consider formalising this support with a SEN Support plan or an EHCP. This is because their support is 'additional to, or different from' that which is 'ordinarily available' to children in the school (SEN Code of Practice 2015, see 'information'). This forms the basis of our 'graduated response'.