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Year 6

Dear Parents,

This year, Year 6 will be taught by Mrs Asare-Archer and Mrs Opiola with the support of Mrs Dymott.  Mrs Opiola will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Mrs Asare-Archer will teach on a Thursday and Friday. Both teachers will plan closely together to ensure that there is a smooth transition throughout the week.

Year 6 is a busy, exciting and fun time as the children embark on their last year of Primary school and begin to look ahead. This page will outline the curriculum coverage for the year, spelling and reading resources and other useful information.


Spring Newsletter for Parents

Year 6 Spring News for Parents
Hazlemere Church of England Combined School
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Autumn Term Highlights

Religious Education

 In RE during the Autumn term, we studied the following topics:

Autumn 1: Creation

Autumn 2: Is God Made Man?




Our focus texts were :

Shark Caller by Zillah Bethell

Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carrol 







In Art we recreated Henry Moore's famous underground shelter paintings using charcoal, paencil and a wax resist techbique



Each week the class will be set relevant homework through ATOM learning. These tasks will be set on a Wednesday and must be completed by the following Monday.

As well as completing the Atom Home Learning, it is crucial that children read every night and practise learning their times tables.  See the termly newsletter for further information on reading at home. 

Atom Home Learning

Times Table Rockstars

Autumn Term News for Parents 2024


Year 6 Termly News for Parents Autumn 2024
Hazlemere Church of England Combined School
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