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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 is taught by Mrs Bartlett, and I am assisted by Miss Button. My planning, preparation and assessment time is covered by Miss Kehoe and Mrs Richards on a Wednesday afternoon. 

On this page you will find our learning highlights throughout the year, our spelling lists and strategies to support children with their learning. 

If you have any queries, please contact me via the school office.

I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead.

Kind regards, Mrs E. Bartlett

Year 3 Class Teacher

Spring Term

Spring Newsletter for Parents

Year 3 Termly News for Parents - Spring 2025
Hazlemere Church of England Combined School
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Autumn Term

Autumn Newsletter for Parents

Year 3 Autumn Newsletter for Parents - Autumn 2024
Hazlemere Church of England Combined School

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Religious Education

Autumn Term 1 – Creation

During this unit, our big question is What do Christians learn from the Creation story?

By the end of this unit, children will be able to:

  • Place the concepts of God and Creation on a timeline of the Bible's 'Big Story'.
  • Make clear links between Genesis 1 and what Christians believe about God and Creation.
  • Describe what Christians do because they believe God is creator.
  • Ask questions and suggest answers about what might be important in the creation story for Christians living today, and for people who are not Christians.

Autumn Term 2 – Light

During this unit, our big question is, Is light a good symbol for celebration?

By the end of this unit, children will be able to:

  • Retell the story of Christmas, Diwali and Chanukah in sequence
  • Suggest two reasons why light is a good symbol for Christmas
  • Discuss similarities between the festivals
  • Suggest meanings for the symbols of light in Diwali or Chanukah
  • Ask and respond to questions about why people choose to celebrate with light
  • Recognise that different views of the festivals lead to different preparations and practices


Autumn Term - Stone Age

In the first term, our class text will be Stone Age boy. This unit of work will include writing our own stone age narrative stories, non-chronological reports on pre-historic beasts, reading the comic 'Ug: Boy Genius" and planning our own stone age comic strip.

Towards the second half of the term, children will write instructions on 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' and write a diary entry inspired by 'The Cave Painter of Lascaux'.

Additionally, reading comprehension tasks will include inference, prediction and higher-level questioning. This will be covered in two guided reading sessions per week and one ‘book talk’ group session. Children will also enjoy a 'Drop Everything and Read' session on a Wednesday.

Spelling, grammar and handwriting skills will be taught daily. 

Accordion content


In Year 3, children begin their morning with arithmetic 'Tough Ten' maths skills, to revise previous topics studied across the year. Children complete their weekly times table quiz on a Thursday morning, with their sheet sent home for guidance on areas to continue practising. In Year 3, children will learn their 3, 4 and 8 times tables and class work will reflect this.

For information on how to support your child with their homework, please visit the website to view the calculation policy.

Learning Sequences for Autumn Term

  • Place value and regrouping
  • Counting on and back in ones, tens and hundreds
  • Estimation, magnitude and rounding
  • Measures - comparison, estimation and magnitude
  • Mental fluency - addition and subtraction
  • Fact families and applying the inverse
  • Written addition and subtraction
  • Problem solving - worded problems
  • Statistics - interpreting bar charts and tables
  • Angles, right angles and estimation
  • Perpendicular and parallel lines, vertical and horizontal lines
  • 2-D shape, properties and drawing
  • Perimeter including problem solving using written and mental methods


Autumn Term 1 - Rocks, Soils and Fossils

In this unit, children will discover the different types of rocks and how they are formed. They will observe the appearance and physical properties of rocks, then compare and group different rock samples. The children will learn about how fossils and soils are formed and record soil drainage rates in a bar chart.

  • The children will group rocks using their appearance. 
  • The children will group rocks using their physical properties.
  • The children will describe the process of fossil formation.
  • The children will identify fossils and group rocks accordingly.
  • The children will compare soils and how they were formed.
  • The children will describe a soil sample using sedimentation.

Autumn Term 2 - Movement and Nutrition

In this unit, children will study the human skeleton, identify key bones and explore how muscle changes result in movement. They will learn about how the body uses energy, what constitutes a balanced diet in humans and how research contributes to nutritionist expertise.

  • To explain the role of a skeleton.
  • To recognise the main bones in the body.
  • To explain how muscles are used for movement.
  • To explain how food is an essential energy source for animals.
  • To identify the main nutrient groups and their simple functions.
  • To explain what makes a balanced diet.