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Year 4

Dear Parents, 

This year, Year 4 will be taught by Mrs Woodstock and Miss Hussain with the support of Mrs Hibbert. Mrs Woodstock will be teaching the class on Mondays and Tuesdays. On Wednesdays, both Mrs Woodstock and Miss Hussain will work together. Thursday mornings will be covered by Ms. Kehoe, allowing us time for planning and preparation, while Miss Hussain will take over for the remainder of the week. We are delighted to be assisted by Mrs Hibbert full-time, providing support to individuals and groups throughout the week. We are thrilled to embark on an exciting year as a new teaching team in Year 4.


Spring Newsletter for parents

Year 4 Spring Termly News for Parents
Hazlemere Church of England Combined School
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Autumn Term Highlights

Religious Education




Our focused texts were:

James and the giant peach by Roald Dahl

Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit









In Art, we explored the work of Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky, known for his Concentric Circles (1913) abstract art. Inspired by his work, we painted concentric circles onto paper plates, incorporated repeated patterns, and completed it by weaving.

In DT, we created electrical torches. 





It is crucial that children read every night and practise learning their timetables. Please refer to the Spring Newsletter for detailed information on the homework expectations. 


Extra information:

Please see the spring spelling list attached below: