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Second hand uniform can be purchased from our PTA, 'The Friends' online shop;

New uniform can be purchased from 'My Clothing' (formally Tesco's) & PMG.

  Online or in store                                                                                                           



PE Kit

Polo shirt with logo

T-Shirt with logo

Jumper or Cardigan with our school logo

Jumper with our school logo

Royal blue shorts

or plain navy blue jogging bottoms

PE kit can be worn with either our school jumper or a plain navy blue jumper- no hoodies, or items with sport logo’s

Footwear; Plain black or white trainers

Dark grey skirt or dark grey trousers


Dark grey trousers

Dark grey socks/ tights or white socks

Dark grey socks

Smart black shoes, no boots or trainers

Summer wear (optional)

Dark grey shorts/ Summer dress




Reception, Year 1,2,3 & 4 book-bag

Years 5 & 6 need a suitable rucksack

Long hair needs to be tied back. During term-time pupils are asked not to have fashion hairstyles which include: shaved, dyed or streaked hair, patterns, mohawks’, lines and tramlines.

We ask that children do not wear jewellery where possible. Strictly no hoop earrings, rings, anklets.